Here is one alarming news from Egypt where all type of football games are suspended by the government after there was a huge collapse between police and public in result of which 19 people are confirmed to be dead. This was a threat to the government that such activities may held again in the upcoming events in result of which government immediately stooped further football competitions at all levels in the country.

           According to a news report this was not a first incident in the country but it is reported that 70 such people were killed after a match in Port Said in 2012. This incident took place in 2012 when people tried to enter in cairo stadium, they were collapsed with police where police fired tear gas and birdshort at the crowd.
           Death toll is also confirmed by the Egypt's emergency services. "Victims had broken necks.....people were trampling each other." Added by head of Egypt's Emergency Department's head. At least 25 were confirmed as injured by Health Ministry. It is also stated that:  "Due to sad event League has been postponed till the further orders."
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